I had a GY shift (11pm-7am) last night at work and who would have thought i'd last the whole day without having to sleep. I slept around 4pm. It was a great morning because when i left the building, the rain has just stopped and the sun was just partly hidden from the gray clouds. To me, that's beautiful. i loved the way the cool wind pressed against my cheeks when i stood for more than 20 minutes trying to get a bus ride to Quiapo. I admired those potential ballerinas in the people that crossed Buendia, when they tried to avoid getting their pants wet. And how, when people put their hands above their heads, they feel secured of not being wet, like how one fans himself, as if it made a differnece.
i rode a bus to the Post Office. He, coming from the other side of the street and from a public transportation, he said he liked my smile, a total opposite from what he had seen the day before. i said, i smile like so because i am once again whole.
He logged in, went back to garden where i waited. Then offered to take me home, via G-liner.
in two hours time, he is back in his office.
I love the fact the someone would go out of the way for me, not because i wanted it, but
because he liked so.
No malice.